Spanish Future Tense – Learn and Practice

Welcome 😊 to our grammar lesson on the Spanish Future Tense (“Futuro Simple”).

We use the Future Tense mainly to talk about future actions and events.

A couple of sentences in Spanish Future Tense
A couple of sentences in Future Tense

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to conjugate verbs in Future Tense and use them in sentences.

We will also take a look at another grammar structure called Near Future (“Futuro Próximo”), which we can also use to talk about the future in Spanish.

At the end you’ll find a Quiz and Exercises to practice.

Conjugation of regular verbs in Future Tense

Conjugating regular verbs in Future Tense is easy:

  • It doesn’t matter if the verb ends in -ar, -er or -ir.
  • We simply add the following endings at the end of the verb’s Infinitive form:

For example, here are the conjugations of “amar”, “ser” and “sentir” in Future Tense:


to love


to be


to feel


Conjugation of irregular verbs

Irregular verbs use the same endings as regular verbs, but there is an irregularity in their stem.

Here are the most important irregular verbs:

VerbIrregular stemFull conjugation

to say

dir-diré, dirás, dirá, diremos, diréis, dirán

(auxiliary verb)

habr-habré, habrás, habrá, habremos, habréis, habrán

to do

har-haré, harás, hará, haremos, haréis, harán


podr-podré, podrás, podrá, podremos, podréis, podrán

to put

pondr-pondré, pondrás, pondrá, pondremos, pondréis, pondrán

to want

querr-querré, querrás, querrá, querremos, querréis, querrán

to know

sabr-sabré, sabrás, sabrá, sabremos, sabréis, sabrán

to get out

saldr-saldré, saldrás, saldrá, saldremos, saldréis, saldrán

to have

tendr-tendré, tendrás, tendrá, tendremos, tendréis, tendrán

to come

vendr-vendré, vendrás, vendrá, vendremos, vendréis, vendrán

Similarities between the Future and Conditional Tenses

The Future and Conditional Tenses have very similar conjugations.

We invite you to compare them and observe how similar they are: Click here to learn the Conditional Tense

Uses of the Future Tense

Here are the most important uses of the Future Tense:

Future actions and events

This is its main use:

El año que viene iré a América.
Next year I’ll go to America.

¿Dónde estarás la semana que viene?
Where will you be next week?

El profesor dirá algo mañana.
The teacher will say something tomorrow.

En 2040 tendremos sesenta años.
In 2040 we’ll be sixty years old.


¿Crees que el Real Madrid ganará la liga?
Do you think Real Madrid will win the league?

El año que viene conocerás al hombre de tus sueños.
Next year you will meet the man of your dreams.

Presiento que pronto ocurrirá algo increíble.
I have a feeling something incredible will happen soon.

Conditional statements about the future (“if A happens, then B will happen”)

In this type of sentence, the condition is expressed in Present Tense, and the future consequence in Future Tense:

Si consigo un empleo, compraré una moto.
If I get a job, I’ll buy a motorcycle.

Si tú vienes, será más divertido.
If you come, it will be more fun.

Si Laura quiere, iremos a bailar.
If Laura wants, we will go dancing.

Speculating about current situations

This use of the Future Tense may seem a bit strange. But we can use it to speculate about the present, as shown in the following sentences:

Carmen tiene mala cara. Tendrá algún problema.
Carmen looks bad. She may have some problem.

¿Dónde estará mi boli?
Where could my pen be?

A different future: the Near Future

Apart from the Future Tense, there is another grammar structure we can use to talk about the future, especially about the near future. It is called Near Future (“Futuro Próximo”).

To form the Near Future, we conjugate the verb ir in Present Tense (voy, vas, va, vamos, vais, van), followed by the preposition a and the Infinitive of the verb expressing the action.

For example, here are the verbs “jugar” and “comer” in Near Future:

yovoy a jugarvoy a comer
vas a jugarvas a comer
élva a jugarva a comer
nosotrosvamos a jugarvamos a comer
vosotrosvais a jugarvais a comer
ellosvan a jugarvan a comer


La semana que viene voy a viajar a Colombia.
Next week I will be traveling to Colombia.

Mañana vamos a trabajar mucho.
Tomorrow we are going to work a lot.

¿Cuándo vas a llamar a David?
When are you going to call David?



Take this short Quiz about the Future Tense:

Exercise 1

Conjugate the following regular verbs in Future Tense. Click on the gray spaces to see the solutions:

1) yo ganaré (ganar)
2) tú perderás (perder)
3) él vivirá (vivir)
4) nosotros iremos (ir)
5) vosotros entraréis (entrar)
6) ellos prometerán (prometer)

Exercise 2

Conjugate the following irregular verbs in Future Tense:

1) yo pondré (poner)
2) tú querrás (querer)
3) él podrá (poder)
4) nosotros sabremos (saber)
5) vosotros diréis (decir)
6) ellos vendrán (venir)

Exercise 3

The following sentences express future actions and events. Fill the gaps conjugating the verbs in brackets in Future Tense:

1) El mes que viene, nosotros empezaremos un curso de yoga. (empezar)
Next month, we will begin a yoga course.

2) ¿Qué dirás tú? (decir)
What will you say?

3) En mis próximas vacaciones, yo viajaré a México. (viajar)
On my next vacation, I will travel to Mexico.

4) En 2030, mis padres tendrán setenta años. (tener)
In 2030, my parents will be seventy years old.

5) Mi amiga Clara vendrá a visitarme el mes que viene. (venir)
My friend Clara will come visit me next month.

6) Vosotros terminaréis el proyecto en junio. (terminar)
You guys will finish the project in June.

Exercise 4

The following sentences express the predictions of a psychic. 😄

Fill the gaps conjugating the verbs in brackets in Future Tense:

En las próximas semanas, tú conocerás a una mujer guapísima. Esa mujer se casará contigo. Los dos viviréis en una preciosa casa cerca del mar. Tendréis cinco hijos, y todos ellos serán guapos y listos. (conocer, casarse, vivir, tener, ser)

In the next few weeks, you will meet a beautiful woman. That woman will marry you. The two of you will live in a beautiful house by the sea. You guys will have five children, and all of them will be handsome and smart.

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