Other Topics about Verbs

Spanish Verbs of Change

Welcome 😊 to our grammar lesson on Spanish verbs of change and transformation. Here we will learn the most common verbs to express change in Spanish, and how to use them in sentences, with many examples. Let’s start! List of verbs of change The most common verbs of change and transformation are: ponersevolversehacersequedarseconvertirse entransformarse en

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Spanish verbs for beginnings and endings: “empezar”, “terminar”…

Welcome 😊 to our grammar lesson on Spanish verbs for beginnings and endings, such as empezar and terminar. In this lesson, we will learn how to use these verbs and read many example sentences. Let’s start! Verbs for beginnings The most frequent verbs for beginnings are: empezar comenzar ponerse a… The following table shows their

Spanish verbs for beginnings and endings: “empezar”, “terminar”… Read More »

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