[volver a + infinitive] in Spanish to express repetition

Welcome 😊 to our grammar lesson on the formula volver a + Infinitive in Spanish.

We use it to express the repetition of an action, communicating that something happens again.

Two Spanish sentences with "volver a" + infinitive
Two sentences with “volver a” + infinitive

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to use volver a + Infinitive in sentences.

You will also find an Exercise to practice.

“volver a” + Infinitive

This formula to express repetition consists of 3 words:

  1. The verb volver, conjugated in any tense we need
  2. The preposition a
  3. The Infinitive of the verb expressing the repeated action

Examples in Present Tense:

Yo vuelvo a pensar en este tema.
I think about this topic again.

Mi hermano vuelve a llamar al taxi.
My brother calls the taxi again.

Laura y yo volvemos a estar juntos.
Laura and I are back together.

Ellos vuelven a preguntar.
They ask again.

Note: As you may know, the main meaning of “volver” in Spanish is “to go back, to return”.

So it makes sense that we also use it to express repetition, right? Because when we do something again, we kind of “go back to doing it”.

In past and future tenses

Of course, we can also conjugate volver in past and future tenses, in order to express that something “happened again” or “will happen again”:

Elena volvió a viajar a Ecuador.
Elena traveled to Ecuador again. (Preterite Tense)

Hoy he vuelto a comprar el periódico.
Today I bought the newspaper again. (Present Perfect)

Nosotros volveremos a ganar.
We will win again. (Future Tense)



The following sentences express repetition with “otra vez” or “de nuevo” (both expressions mean “again”).

Can you reformulate them using the formula “volver a” + Infinitive?

1. Nosotros jugamos otra vez.
We play again.

2. Ellas saltan otra vez.
They jump again.

3. El pájaro vuela de nuevo.
The bird flies again.

4. Yo llamo de nuevo a la farmacia.
I call the pharmacy again.

5. Tú pierdes otra vez.
You lose again.

6. Vosotros habláis de nuevo.
You guys talk again.

Nosotros volvemos a jugar.
2. Ellas vuelven a saltar.
3. El pájaro vuelve a volar.
4. Yo vuelvo a llamar a la farmacia.
5. Tú vuelves a perder.
6. Vosotros volvéis a hablar.

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