Verbs like “gustar” in Spanish – Learn and Practice

Welcome 😊 to our grammar lesson on other Spanish verbs like “gustar”.

In our lesson about “gustar”, we explained how this verb produces a particular sentence structure. We invite you to read that lesson first to fully understand this topic.

In the present lesson, we are simply going to review other verbs that work just like “gustar”, producing the same structure.

Two sentences with verbs like "gustar"
Two sentences with verbs like “gustar”

You will also find a Quiz and an Exercise to practice.

Identifying verbs like “gustar”

First of all, we need to understand that “gustar” doesn’t actually mean “to like”, but rather “to be pleasing”:

A mí me gusta el zumo de naranja.
Orange juice is pleasing to me.

“gustar” expresses a certain effect that something has on someone (“it is pleasing”).

We can think of other verbs that express different effects things have on people. For example:

  • Something worries me.
  • Something scares me.
  • Something bothers me.
  • Something makes me happy.
  • etc.

In Spanish, all those verbs produce the same sentence structure as “gustar”.

List of verbs like “gustar”

Here is a list of common verbs like “gustar”. Notice that they all express the effect something has on someone:

fascinarto fascinate
encantarto be very pleasing
entusiasmarto delight, to thrill
interesarto interest
apetecerto feel like, to fancy
inspirarto inspire
preocuparto cause worry
dar miedoto scare, to frighten
asustarto scare, to frighten
aburrirto bore
dar ascoto be repulsive
importarto matter
sorprenderto surprise
impresionarto impress
parecerto seem
dolerto hurt, to be painful
picarto itch
alegrarto make happy
entristecerto sadden
poner nerviosoto make nervous
ofenderto offend
costarto be difficult
faltarto be lacking/missing
hacer faltato be necessary
molestarto bother
fastidiarto annoy

Example sentences

Let’s read some sentences with verbs from the list above:

fascinar (to fascinate):

A mí me fascina su personalidad.
His personality fascinates me.

As we explained in our lesson about “gustar”, we can remove “A mí” if we want to:

Me fascina su personalidad.

Or we can also change the word order:

Su personalidad me fascina.

preocupar (to worry):

A mí me preocupa esta situación.
This situation worries me.

interesar (to interest):

A mi padre le interesa la historia.
History interests my father.

dar miedo (to scare, to frighten):

A ella le dan miedo las arañas.
Spiders scare her.

aburrir (to bore):

A nosotros nos aburren estas películas.
These movies bore us.



Take this short Quiz about verbs like “gustar”:


Fill the gaps with the 2 words that are missing in each sentence. You need to use the verbs in brackets. Click on the gray spaces to see the solutions:

1) A mí me encanta leer. (encantar)
Reading pleases me a lot.

2) ¿A ti te importa la política? (importar)
Does politics matter to you?

3) A Carmen le duelen las piernas. (doler)
Carmen’s legs hurt.

4) A nosotros nos ofenden tus insultos. (ofender)
Your insults offend us.

5) A vosotros os alegra ganar. (alegrar)
Winning makes you guys happy.

6) A mis amigos les entusiasma el fútbol. (entusiasmar)
Football/soccer is thrilling to my friends.

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