Plural of adjectives in Spanish – Learn and Practice

Welcome 😊 to our grammar lesson on how to form the plural of adjectives in Spanish.

Forming the plural of adjectives is easy, because the rules are pretty clear. We will divide adjectives into 2 types: those ending in a vowel, and those ending in a consonant.

At the end of the lesson you will find a Quiz and an Exercise to practice.

Plural of adjectives ending in a vowel

1. Adjectives ending in a vowel form their plural by adding -s:

  • grande → grandes
  • bonito → bonitos
  • alta → altas

2. Adjectives about nationality or ethnicity ending in í or ú (with an accent mark) can add -s or -es. Both ways are correct:

  • marroquí → marroquís / marroquíes
  • hindú → hindús / hindúes

Plural of adjectives ending in a consonant

1. Adjectives ending in a consonant form their plural by adding -es:

  • superior → superiores
  • genial → geniales

2. If the adjective ends in z, we need to also replace z with c:

  • feliz → felices
  • atroz → atroces



Take this short Quiz about the plural of adjectives:


The following sentences are written in singular and then in plural. Fill the gaps with the adjectives in plural form.

Click on the gray spaces to see the solutions:

1) Mi amigo es hindú → Mis amigos son hindús/hindúes
2) El arbusto es verde → Los arbustos son verdes
3) El humorista es genial → Los humoristas son geniales
4) Esta película es atroz → Estas películas son atroces

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