Daily Routine in Spanish – Vocabulary and Phrases

In this post we are going to learn Spanish vocabulary and phrases about our daily routine.

We will start with some phrases, and then read several vocabulary lists about this topic.

Enjoy! 🙂


¿A qué hora te levantas?
What time do you get up?

Me levanto a las ocho de la mañana.
I get up at eight o’clock in the morning.

¿Cuántas veces al día te lavas los dientes?
How many times a day do you brush your teeth?

Me lavo los dientes tres veces al día.
I brush my teeth three times a day.

Todos los días salgo de casa a las ocho de la mañana y vuelvo a las seis de la tarde.
Every day I leave home at eight in the morning and return at six in the evening.

Vocabulary: Routines at home

The bed

Acostarseto go to bed (or to lie down)
Despertarseto wake up
Dormirseto fall asleep
Hacer la camato make the bed
Irse a la camato go to bed
Levantarseto get up
Poner una alarmato set up an alarm

Corporal hygiene

Bañarseto take a bath
Ducharseto shower
Lavarse la carato wash one’s face
Lavarse las manosto wash one’s hands
Lavarse los dientesto brush one’s teeth

Clothing / hair / beauty

Afeitarseto shave
Desvestirseto get undressed
Maquillarseto put makeup
Peinarseto comb one’s hair
Perfumarseto put perfume on
Ponerse el sombreroto put on the hat
Ponerse la ropato put on the clothes
Quitarse la chaquetato take out the jacket
Quitarse la ropato take out the clothes
Vestirseto get dressed


Almorzarto have lunch
Cenarto have dinner
Cocinarto cook
Comerto eat (in general)
Desayunarto have breakfast
Merendarto have an afternoon snack
Preparar el desayunoto prepare breakfast

More vocabulary

Going to places

Hacer la comprato do the shopping
Irse a casato go home
Ir a la escuela / Ir al colegioto go to school
Irse al trabajoto go to work
Salir de casato leave home
Salir del trabajoto get off work


Dar una vuelta / Dar un paseoto go for a stroll
Escuchar la radioto listen to the radio
Escuchar músicato listen to music
Ir a tomar algoto go out for a drink
Ir de comprasto go shopping
Quedar con los amigosto meet friends
Salirto go out
Ver la teleto watch TV

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