How to Flirt in Spanish – Best Pick Up Lines!

Are you going to travel to a Spanish-speaking country? Who knows what could happen there? Love can happen anytime, anywhere.

If Cupid throws one of his arrows at you, you’re going to need some pick up lines in Spanish.

Here are some of them, both for normal people and for risk-takers!

Phrases for normal people 😄

¿Vienes mucho por aquí?
Do you come here a lot?

¿Nos hemos visto antes?
Have we met before?

¿Te han dicho alguna vez que te pareces a  (…)?
Has anyone ever told you that you look like (…)?

¡Qué ojazos tienes!
You have such beautiful eyes!

Me encanta tu sonrisa.
I love your smile.

A mi amigo le gusta tu amiga.
My friend (boy) likes your friend (girl).

Te invito a una copa.
I’ll buy you a drink.

¿Te apetece bailar?
Would you like to dance?

¿Salimos un rato a tomar el aire?
Do you want to go outside and get some air?

¿Damos una vuelta?
You want to go for a walk?

¿Me das tu número?
Can I have your number?

Este es mi número.
This is my number.

¿Puedo besarte?
Can I kiss you?

Phrases for romantics and risk-takers 💘

No sé besar, ¿podrías enseñarme?
I don’t know how to kiss, could you teach me?

No creía en el amor a primera vista hasta que te vi a ti.
I didn’t believe in love at first sight until I saw you.

¿Me prestas un diccionario? Al verte me he quedado sin palabras.
Can I borrow a dictionary? I’m at a loss for words at the sight of you.

¿Acaba de salir el sol? ¿O has sonreído?
Did the sun just rise? Or did you smile?


flirtearto flirt
ligarto hook up
piropearto compliment
El piropothe compliment
invitar a una copabuy someone a drink
bailarto dance
besarto kiss
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