Tuits de gente famosa (25)

¡Buenos días! Ahí van cuatro tuits de famosos, traducidos al español:

Donald Trump

“Tenemos treinta días para frenar la propagación”

Khloé Kardashian

“Te quiero”. (if she means just one person)
“Os quiero”. (if she means “you guys”)

Paris Hilton

“¿Crees en los cuentos de hadas?”

“Echo de menos abrazar. Os mando a todos mucho amor y abrazos”.

Grammar Notes

In Trump’s translated tweet, “treinta” means “thirty”. LEARN THE NUMBERS IN SPANISH!

We have given 2 possible translations of Kholé’s tweet, one with pronoun “me” and one with “os”. These are DIRECT OBJECT PRONOUNS.

Today there was a lot of love in these tweets. So why not LEARN VOCABULARY AND PHRASES ABOUT LOVE?

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