Can you talk about the weather in Spanish? In this post we are going to help you with the basic vocabulary and phrases you need in a conversation about the weather.
Enjoy and become an expert at talking in Spanish about the weather! 🙂
El tiempo weather
El sol sun
El viento wind
La niebla fog
La nube cloud
La lluvia rain
La nieve snow
La temperatura temperature
El calor heat
El frío cold
La tormenta storm
El rayo streak of lightning
El relámpago flash of lightning
El trueno thunderclap
La granizada hailstorm
El huracán hurricane
El grado centígrado degree Celsius
El grado Fahrenheit degree Fahrenheit
La brisa breeze
La humedad humidity
Phrases: Current weather
- ¿Qué tiempo hace? = What is the weather like?
- ¿Qué tiempo hizo ayer? = What was the weather like yesterday?
- ¿Qué tiempo va a hacer mañana? = What will the weather be like tomorrow?
Expressions with “está”
- Está soleado = It’s sunny
- Está lloviendo = It’s raining
- Está nevando = It’s snowing
- Está nublado = It’s cloudy
Expressions with “hay”
- Hay tormenta = There is a storm
- Hay nubes = There are clouds
- Hay niebla = There is fog
- Hay un huracán = There is a hurricane
- Hay mucha humedad = There is a lot of humidity
Expressions with “hace”
- Hace sol = It’s sunny
- Hace 20 grados = It’s 20 degrees
- Hace (mucho) calor = It’s (very) hot
- Hace (mucho) frío = It’s (very) cold
- Hace buen tiempo = The weather is nice
- Hace mal tiempo = The weather is bad
- Hace fresco = It’s cool
- Hace viento = It’s windy
Phrases: Weather in the near future
- Va a hacer sol = It is going to be sunny
- Va a hacer calor = It is going to be hot
- Va a hacer buen tiempo = The weather is going to be nice
- Va a llover = It’s going to rain
- Va a nevar = It’s going to snow
- Va a haber niebla = There is going to be fog
- Va a haber tormenta = There is going to be a storm