Hi! In this post we are going to learn some words and phrases you can use when dealing with the police in Spanish, or talking in general about police and crime. 👮♀️🚔
We will start with some phrases, and then provide a couple of vocabulary lists with relevant words.
Enjoy ! 🙂
Buenos días, señor agente.
Good morning, officer.Quiero poner una denuncia.
I want to file a complaint / report.¿Dónde está la comisaría?
Where is the police station?Un hombre me ha robado la cartera.
A man has stolen my wallet.Un ladrón ha entrado en mi casa y me ha robado dinero y muchos objetos de valor.
A thief broke into my house and stole money and many valuables.Por favor, vengan a la calle ____.
Please, come to ____ street.¡Detengan al ladrón!
Stop/arrest the thief!He perdido a mi mascota.
I have lost my pet.La policía está investigando, pero aún no hay resultados.
The police is investigating, but there are no results yet.Han detenido al asesino.
They have arrested the murderer.
Vocabulary: People
El policía police officer
El agente de policía police officer
El comisario police superintendent, commissioner
El detective privado private detective
El criminal criminal
El delincuente criminal
El ladrón thief, robber, burglar
El intruso intruder
El asesino murderer
El acosador stalker
El violador rapist
El agresor attacker
El sospechoso suspect
La víctima victim
El testigo witness
Vocabulary about crime
El crimen crime
El delito crime
El robo theft, robbery, burglary
El robo a mano armada armed robbery
El acoso harassment, stalking
El acoso sexual sexual harassment
La agresión assault
El asesinato murder
El homicidio homicide
La violación rape
Cometer un crimen to commit a crime
Cometer un delito to commit a crime
Robar to steal, to rob
Acosar to harass
Asesinar to murder
Matar to kill
Violar to rape
Vocabulary about the police
Substantives about police
La policía police
La comisaría police station
El coche de policía police car
Las esposas handcuffs
El interrogatorio interrogation
La investigación investigation
La pista clue
La pistola gun
La placa badge
La porra nightstick, baton
Verbs about police
Detener to detain, arrest
Disparar to shoot
Esposar to handcuff
Interrogar to interrogate
Investigar to investigate
Patrullar to patrol
Perseguir to chase