Spanish about Love – Vocabulary and Phrases

In this post, we are going to learn some vocabulary and phrases to talk about the greatest topic of all – Love!

Whether you want to tell someone you love them, ask for a date, or talk about love in general, here you will find some words and sentences that can help you.

Enjoy and become an expert at talking in Spanish about Love! 🙂


Talking to the person you love

Te quiero.
I love you.
Te amo.
I love you.
Te adoro.
I adore you.

Estoy enamorado de ti.
Estoy enamorada de ti.
I’m in love with you. (men say “enamorado”, women say “enamorada”)

Eres tan guapo.
Eres tan lindo.
You are so handsome. (talking to a man)

Eres tan guapa.
Eres tan linda.
You are so pretty. (talking to a woman)

Me gustan tus ojos.
I love your eyes.
Me gusta tu sonrisa.
I love your smile.

Todo el día pienso en ti.
I think about you all day.

Me haces muy feliz.
You make me very happy.

¿Quieres salir conmigo?
You wanna go out with me?

¿Quieres casarte conmigo?
Do you wanna marry me? (Learn Spanish for Weddings)

Talking about the person you love

He conocido a una chica muy especial.
I’ve met a very special girl.
He conocido a un chico muy especial.
I’ve met a very special boy.

Nos conocimos el otro día en la playa.
We met the other day at the beach.

Es guapísimo.
He is super handsome.
Es guapísima.
She is super handsome.

Es simpatiquísimo.
He is super friendly.
Es simpatiquísima.
She is super friendly.

Me gusta mucho.
I like him/her a lot.



mi amor
mi cielo
mi vida

different ways of saying
"my darling, sweetie..."
mi reinamy queen
mi reymy king

Concepts and People

el amorlove
la relaciónrelationship
el amor a primera vistalove at first sight
la carta de amorlove letter
la primera citafirst date
el primer besofirst kiss
el abrazohug
el novioboyfriend
la noviagirlfriend
el marido / el esposohusband
la mujer / la esposawife


salir juntosto go out together
empezar una relaciónto start a relationship
enamorarseto fall in love
amar / quererto love
besarto kiss
abrazarto hug
pedir matrimonioto propose
casarseto marry
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