Gender of Nouns in Spanish – Learn and Practice

Every noun in Spanish has a gender: masculine or feminine.

And while there are no absolute rules, masculine and feminine nouns tend to present different endings. We will learn them in this lesson.

You will also find a Quiz to practice the topic.

Common endings of masculine and feminine nouns

The following table includes some of the most common endings of masculine and feminine nouns:

Typical endings of masculine nounsTypical endings of feminine nouns

Examples and exceptions

Let’s read some examples (and exceptions) for each ending in the table above.

Common endings of masculine nouns


Examples: el dinero, el supermercado, el kiosco, el barco, el océano, el milagro…
Exceptions: la mano, la radio, la foto, la moto… 


Examples: el amor, el color, el calor, el dolor, el exterior, el trabajador
Exceptions: la flor


Examples: el coraje, el viaje, el equipaje

Common endings of feminine nouns


Examples: la mesa, la música, la guitarra, la cabeza, la filosofía…
Exceptions: el problema, el tema, el idioma, el clima…


Examples: la atención, la información, la corrección, la nación


Examples: la tensión, la presión, la pasión


Examples: la habilidad, la edad, la capacidad, la bondad, la sinceridad, la maldad….


Examples: la poesía, la filosofía, la teoría, la energía
Exceptions: el día, el tranvía…


Examples: la bronquitis, la otitis


Examples: la cabeza, la cerveza, la cereza, la pureza

Influence of a noun’s gender in other words of the sentence

In Spanish sentences, articles and adjectives need to match the gender and number of the noun they are connected with.


El niño pequeño está contento.
The small boy is happy.

If we make that sentence about a girl instead, all articles and adjectives connected with “niña” need to match the feminine gender:

La niña pequeña está contenta.
The small girl is happy.



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